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Continuous School Improvement Plan

Frederick County Public Schools is dedicated to continuous improvement. Our school principals lead efforts to plan, implement, and review their goals, using a variety of data to make sure we’re always moving in the right direction. School and division plans are monitored for progress and updated quarterly to support our commitment to our students and their families.

This information keeps families informed about our progress and the status of school goals. You’ll find updates and insights as we work together to improve student learning and school performance.

School Profile Information

School: Armel Elementary School
Principal: Heather Miller
Enrollment: 584

School Vision Statement

AES is an innovative community where caring relationships and authentic learning inspire all students.

School Mission Statement

The AES mission is to create an optimal learning environment which enables all students to achieve their fullest potential by providing quality education with the mutual support of educators, students, parents, peers, and the community.

Goal #1

By June 2025, the spring SOL assessment overall pass rate in math, to include growth and recovery was 86.59%, and in English was 86.74%. By the spring 2025 SOL assessment, the overall pass rate in math and English  will increase at least 3 percentage points to include growth and recovery /at least 2 percentage points in terms of unadjusted pass rates.

Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 On Track

Students, grades 3-5, participated in the fall Virginia Growth Assessment, which provided a baseline of student needs in math and English.  Students grades K-3 were assessed using the VALLS (Virginia Language & Literacy Screening System) in reading and grades 1-5 in iReady diagnostic in math.   

Utilizing the fall 2024 VALLS assessment, data was as follows: grade 1-24% at high risk, 36% at moderate risk, and 40% at low risk; grade 2-29% high risk, 16% moderate risk, and 55% low risk.  All students at high risk have been identified for intervention; students at moderate and low risk have been either identified for intervention or remediation and reteaching in small groups.  Utilizing iReady diagnostic in math, students meeting expected benchmarks in numbers and operations are as follows by grade level:  74% grade 1, 78% grade 2, 82% grade 3, 77% grade 4, and 80% grade 5.  

All teachers have enrolled in a state approved Science of Reading series of training, to be completed during the 2024-25 school year.  All teachers and instructional assistants  attending professional learning sessions in August and September, 2024.  

Classroom walkthroughs using division-wide forms have begun for each teacher.  The focus of October walkthroughs was utilization of the state-required HIgh Quality Instructional Material of HMH Into Reading.  In 100% of the October walkthrough visits, HIQM materials were present, either being used in instruction or by students in guided or independent practice.    

VALLS assessment administered to students, grades K-3, per Virginia expectations.  Data from VALLS assessment analyzed to determine next steps in supporting student growth.  

Grade level teams worked collaboratively to unpack state standards and plan for pacing and delivery in math and language arts/reading.  

Monthly professional learning completed in math and language arts/reading.

Q2 On Track

All teachers are enrolled and participating in a state approved Science of Reading series of training, to be completed during the 2024-25 school year. Teachers completing the CANVAS course have completed an average of 1 module per month, while those taking the LETRS course or IMSE course have attended required sessions and assigned tasks for the quarter.  All teachers and instructional assistants attended professional learning sessions in Nov. and Dec.2024.  

Classroom literacy walkthroughs using division-wide forms continue for each teacher.  The focus of  Nov. and Dec. walkthroughs was utilization of the state-required High Quality Instructional Material of HMH Into Reading as well as the use of explicit instruction.  In 100% of the October walkthrough visits, HIQM materials were present.  Further analysis of the walkthrough data will be completed in Jan. 2025 to plan for next steps.   AES instructional coach is serving as a member of the FCPS mathematics committee.  Mathematics committee members will pilot the FCPS mathematics walkthrough form in Jan. 2025, including at AES.    

Grade level teams worked collaboratively to unpack state standards and plan for pacing and delivery in math and language arts/reading.  

Monthly professional learning will be completed in math and language arts/reading on Jan. 3, 2025.  VALLS, VGA, and iReady are to be administered in Jan. 2025.  Data will be analyzed and utilized to plan for next steps.



Goal #2

By June 2025, all AES teachers, grades K-5 will collaboratively establish a common pacing in mathematics and English/language arts and establish common instructional best practices through common planning documents for all units, based upon provided professional learning.  

Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 On Track

A common planning time was established per the AES master schedule and dates and locations of collaborative work time was set.  

All grade level teams worked collaboratively to unpack state standards and plan for pacing and delivery in math and language arts/reading.

Administration and Coaches (literacy coach and instructional coach) developed a rotational plan to ensure walkthroughs of all classrooms of literacy are completed utilizing the division form.  Walkthroughs began, per division plan, in October.  

Math and Literacy Professional Learning Sessions held for all teachers of math and literacy.

Q2 On Track  

All grade level teams continued to work collaboratively to unpack state standards and plan for pacing and delivery in math and language arts/reading for the quarter.

Administration and Coaches (literacy coach and instructional coach) continued literacy walkthrough visits to classrooms, per FCPS expectations.  Data from Nov. and Dec. walkthroughs compiled and will be analyzed for patterns in January.  This data will be utilized to plan for future instructional support for staff, including professional learning and coaching cycles.      

 AES instructional coach is serving as a member of the FCPS mathematics committee.  Committee members will pilot the FCPS mathematics walkthrough form in Jan. 2025, including at AES.    

Math and Literacy Professional Learning Sessions scheduled/ held for all teachers of math and literacy.



Goal #3

By the spring 2025 a building-level professional learning plan will be organized, paced and implemented, with alignment to the division-level professional learning plan.  

Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 On Track

Armel Elementary School professional learning plan has been drafted, based on the FCPS division professional learning plan/24-25 Literacy Professional Learning Plan.

Armel Elementary School professional learning plan has been implemented and is on pace to planned dates and topics as of Oct.  and Nov. 2024.

Q2 On Track Armel Elementary School professional learning plan continues to be implemented and is on pace to planned dates and topics as of Nov. and Dec. 2024.  Topics of professional learning include continued work in the science of reading, mathematics best practices and instructional strategies for new updated mathematics Standards of Learning as well as reteaching and intervention supports for those standards.  These align with the AES goal 1.  Planning is in progress for work in January and February 2025. 


Goal #4

By June 2025,  AES will reduce classroom disruptive behavior incidents, as defined by SBAR reporting, compared to the previous year.

Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 On Track

State SBAR (Student Behavior and Administrative Response) Data for the 2023-24 school year collected to serve as a comparison to the 2024-25 school year.   

Monthly staffing meetings scheduled and held for students with frequent behavioral needs. 

Tiered Fidelity Inventory was completed in July 2024, which will serve as a baseline, based on Virginia PBIS criteria

Professional Learning sessions held. 

Work to create the PBIS -handbook for staff has begun.  Resources shared as a part of the AES Staff site thus far.

Q2 On Track

State SBAR (Student Behavior and Administrative Response) Data for the first semester of the 2024-25 school year compiled and compared to this point in the school year for the 2023-24 school year.  

Jan. 2025- A review of the behavior summary for the first semester of the 2024-25 school year first semester demonstrated 24 incidents, with 32 events thus far.  (These totals were similar to the end of semester 1 for the 2023-24 school year).    Again, the most prevalent were Behaviors that Present a Safety Concern (BSC), with 21 events coded and Behaviors that Endanger Self or Others (BESO) with 8 events coded thus far.  (These totals were slightly higher and slightly lower, respectively, to the end of semester 1 for the 2023-24 school year).  The timing of the events for the first semester were 4 in transit to or from school and 28 during the school day.    (These totals were a decrease and similar to, respectively,  to the end of semester 1 for the 2023-24 school year). 

Monthly staffing meetings scheduled and held for students with frequent behavioral needs.  Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans proposed and implemented for students with high behavioral needs.  Collaborative work with division-level behavioral staff has been in place to support students in need.



For more information about Armel Elementary School's Continuous Improvement Plan please join us at our quarterly events or reach out to the school principal.

Quarterly Events

  • Introduction to the focus of the AES Continuous Improvement Plan: August 13, 2024 Open House Event and Monthly School Newsletter
  • AES Continuous Improvement Plan Updates- AES PTO Meeting/Event and Monthly School Newsletter - September 11,  2024
  • AES Continuous Improvement Plan Updates- AES PTO Meeting/Event and Monthly School Newsletter - December 11, 2024
  • AES Continuous Improvement Plan Updates- AES PTO Meeting/Event and Monthly School Newsletter - March 11, 2025
  • AES Continuous Improvement Plan Updates- AES PTO Meeting/Event and Monthly School Newsletter - May 6, 2025